
更新:2025年01月17日 15:38

 リコー杯第15期女流王座戦の海外招待選手について以下の要綱で海外招待選手選抜大会を行います。大会の優勝者は代表選手として、5月10日に開催されるリコー杯第15期女流王座戦一次予選に出場することができます。 なお、代表選手の日本への渡航費、滞在費は主催者が負担いたします。

【競技ルール】リコー杯第15期⼥流王座戦 海外招待選⼿選抜⼤会
2月7日(金) 正午(日本時間)

申し込みを頂いた後、事務局にて内容を審査した上で、参加可否を決定致します。審査 に合格された参加者へ は、エントリー期間終了後に事務局よりご連絡し、大会用 に 81Dojo の特別アカウントを付与します。

2月16日(日)決勝トーナメント ※予選リーグを勝ち抜いた場合
5月10日(土)リコー杯第15期女流王座戦一次予選 ※代表選手1名
リコー杯女流王座戦海外招待選手選抜大会事務局 joryuouza_preliminary@nekomado.com

Online Preliminary of Ricoh Cup the 15th Women's "Ouza" Shogi Championship

The following is the information about the overseas players for Ricoh Cup the 15th Women's Ouza Shogi Championship. The winner of the tournament will be selected as the representative player to participate in the first preliminary round of Ricoh Cup the 15th Women's Ouza Shogi Championship to be held on May 10, 2025. The organizer will cover the travel and accommodation expenses of the representative player to Japan.

Selection Method
One representative will be selected through Internet games at 81Dojo, an online game site supported by Japan Shogi Association.
For details, please refer to the attached competition rules.
competition rules
(1) Participants must be women of non-Japanese nationality.
(2) Participants must reside overseas.
※Players who reside in Japan are requested to participate in the Amateur Selection Qualifiers (East or West Japan Qualifiers) to be held in Japan.
(3) Participants must be able to travel to Japan for the Women's Ouza Shogi Championship First Preliminary Round game (May 10).
*If a visa is required, the applicant must obtain a tourist visa on her own.
*Participants must reside in an area with a danger level of 2 or lower, according to the following website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
*If she needs a companion (including a guardian), she will be responsible for their travel and accommodation expenses.
(4) Participants must be able to play games on the 81Dojo web browser version.
*Please be sure to check the competition rules.
(5) Participants must be able to use Zoom or Wechat.
(6) Participants must be recommended by a Shogi organization (either a branch of the Japan Shogi Association or a local Shogi club).
*Not more than 3 persons may be recommended by each organization.
Entry Method
Please fill out and submit the application form below.
Entry deadline
Friday, February 7, 12:00 (Japan time)

After receiving an application, the secretariat will review it and decide whether or not you can participate. Participants who pass the screening will be contacted by the secretariat after the entry period and given a special 81Dojo account for the competition.

February 15 (Sat) Preliminary Round
February 16 (Sun) Final Tournament ※If participants win the preliminary league
May 10 (Sat) First Preliminary Round of Ricoh Cup the 15th Women's Ouza Shogi Championship *One representative player
For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact
Ricoh Cup Women's Championship Overseas Invitational Tournament Secretariat joryuouza_preliminary@nekomado.com


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