更新:2014年10月20日 14:15
Cコース問題 | Problems of Course C | 解答/answers | |
1 | 棋士の中で初めて「1000勝・1000敗」の成績を残したのは誰か。 (1)加藤一二三 (2)有吉道夫 (3)内藤國雄 |
Choose the professional player who both won and lost 1000 games for the first time ever. (1)Hifumi Kato (2)Michio Ariyoshi (3)Kunio Naito |
(1) |
2 | 史上最年長の59歳でタイトルを獲得した棋士は誰か。 (1)米長邦雄 (2)大山康晴 (3)中原誠 |
Choose the professional player who became the eldest title holder ever at the age of 59. (1)Kunio Yonenaga (2)Yasuharu Oyama (3)Makoto Nakahara |
(2) |
3 | 平手の将棋で、先手が最初に指すことの出来る手は何通りあるか。 (1)20通り (2)25通り (3)30通り |
How many legal moves can you play at the first move in an even game? (1)20 (2)25 (3)30 |
(3) |
4 | 公式戦の最多連勝記録「28連勝」は、誰による記録か。 (1)羽生善治 (2)塚田泰明 (3)神谷広志 |
Choose the professional player who has the record of 28 consecutive wins. (1)Yoshiharu Habu (2)Yasuaki Tsukada (3)Hiroshi Kamiya |
(3) |
5 | 防衛に失敗して名人位を失った際に「良き後継者を得た」と挨拶したのは誰か。 (1)木村義雄 (2)大山康晴 (3)中原誠 |
Choose the professional shogi player who said "I have got a good successor." when he lost 'Meijin'. (1)Yoshio Kimura (2)Yasuharu Oyama (3)Makoto Nakahara |
(1) |
6 | 将棋の戦法名で実際にあるのはどれか。 (1)熊殺し (2)鬼殺し (3)見殺し |
Choose a shogi opening that really exists. (1)'Kuma Goroshi(Bear Killer)' (2)'Oni Goroshi(Demon Killer)' (3)'Migoroshi(Leaving one dying)' |
(2) |
7 | 将棋の世界で「初段」に昇段することを何というか。 (1)黒帯 (2)段持ち (3)入品 |
Choose a Japanese word that means becoming a 'shodan(1-dan)' player (1)'Kuroobi' (2)'Danmochi' (3)'Nyuhon' |
(3) |
8 | 駒落ちの場合、駒を片付ける時の正しいマナーは何か。 (1)上手が数を数えながらしまう (2)初めと同じように並べて自分の方の駒をしまう (3)下手が盤に駒箱をくっつけて流し入れる |
Choose a correct manner of putting away the pieces. (1)A higher-ranked player puts them away counting the number of pieces. (2)Each player puts them away after having an initial setup on the board again. (3)A lower-ranked player lets them slide into a piece box from the board. |
(1) |
9 | 次のうち山形県天童市に実際ある物は何でしょうか。 (1)駒の形をした公衆電話ボックス (2)駒の形をしたポスト (3)駒の形をした交番 |
Choose a thing that actually exists in Tendo City, Yamagata Prefecture. (1)Telephone booths with a shogi piece on the top. (2)Mailboxes with a shogi piece on the top. (3)Police boxes with a shogi piece on the top. |
(2) |
10 | 「将棋栄誉賞」は公式戦で通算何勝した棋士に贈られる賞か。 (1)500勝 (2)600勝 (3)700勝 |
How many wins does a professional player need to get Shogi Honor Award? (1)500 (2)600 (3)700 |
(2) |
11 | 史上最年少のタイトル獲得者は誰か。 (1)中原誠 (2)羽生善治 (3)屋敷伸之 |
Choose the professional player who has become the youngest title holder ever. (1)Makoto Nakahara (2)Yoshiharu Habu (3)Nobuyuki Yashiki |
(3) |
12 | 昭和2年2月の「八段リーグ戦」における金易二郎-土居市太郎戦で初めて導入されたのは何か。 (1)対局時計 (2)封じ手 (3)立会人 |
Choose the rule that was introduced for the first time at the game of "League of 8-dan players" played by Yasujiro Kon and Ichitaro Doi in February 1927. (1)game clock (2)sealed move (3)official watchman |
(2) |
13 | 十段戦における最後の十段タイトル保持者は誰か。 (1)高橋道雄 (2)福崎文吾 (3)米長邦雄 |
Who is the last title holder of 'Judan(10-dan)'? (1)Michio Takahashi (2)Bungo Fukusaki (3)Kunio Yonenaga |
(1) |
14 | 将棋の永世称号で唯一「永世」でなく「名誉」称号を冠しているタイトルはどれか。 (1)棋聖 (2)棋王 (3)王座 |
Which is the correct permanent title that only begins with the word of Meiyo(honorary)' and not 'Eisei(permanent)'? (1)Meiyo Kisei (2)Meiyo Kio (3)Meiyo Oza |
(3) |
15 | 歴代将軍の中で、最も将棋を愛好したのは誰か。 (1)八代徳川吉宗 (2)九代徳川家重 (3)十代徳川家治 |
Choose the Shogun who liked shogi best. (1)The eighth Shogun, Yoshimune Tokugawa (2)The ninth Shogun, Ieshige Tokugawa (3)The tenth Shogun, Ieharu Tokugawa |
(3) |
16 | 動物が名称になっている囲いはどれか。 (1)カニ囲い (2)クモ囲い (3)ヒトデ囲い |
Choose a living creature whose name is used? in a castle name. (1)a crab (2)a spider (3)a starfish |
(1) |
17 | 『香車の駒』という題の浮世絵作者は誰か。 (1)歌川広重 (2)歌川国芳 (3)歌川豊国 |
Choose the Ukiyo-e painter who creates "Kyosha no Koma(a piece of Lance)". (1)Hiroshige Utagawa (2)Kuniyoshi Utagawa (3)Toyokuni Utagawa |
(2) |
18 | 日本最古の将棋盤が出土したのは何県か。 (1)鳥取県 (2)島根県 (3)山口県 |
Where was the oldest shogi board excavated? (1)in Tottori prefecture (2)in Shimane prefecture (3)in Yamaguchi prefecture |
(2) |
19 | 日本最古の将棋駒が出土したのは何県か。 (1)大阪府 (2)京都府 (3)奈良県 |
Where was the oldest shogi pieces excavated? (1)in Osaka prefecture (2)in Kyoto prefecture (3)in Nara prefecture |
(3) |
20 | 「石田流」三間飛車という戦法がある。石田とは誰か。 (1)石田和雄九段 (2)石田光成 (3)石田検校 |
There is "Ishida-style third file Rook opening". Who is the Ishida? (1)9-dan Ishida Kazuo (2)Ishida Mitsunari (3)Ishida Kengyo |
(3) |
21 | 歩の別名は何か。 (1)ありんこ (2)ひょこ (3)あられ |
What is another name of a Pawn in Japanese? (1)'Arinko(ant)' (2)'Hiyoko(chick)' (3)'Arare(hailstone)' |
(2) |
22 | 格言「桂馬の高跳び、歩の○○」 ○○に入る文字は何か。 (1)餌食 (2)えさ (3)食事 |
Choose the correct word for the blank. "A prematurely advanced Knight is easy? (? ) for a Pawn." (1)prey (2)food (3)meal |
(1) |
23 | 格言「金底の歩、○より堅し」 ○に入る文字は何か。 (1)鉄 (2)岩 (3)骨 |
Fill in the blanks. "A Pawn-anchored Gold is more solid than (? )." (1)iron (2)a rock (3)a bone |
(2) |
24 | 実際にある囲いの名称はどれか。 (1)箱入り娘 (2)おてんば娘 (3)一匹狼 |
Choose a castle name that actually exists in shogi. (1)'Hakoiri Musume(Daddy's dearest)' (2)'Otenba Musume(tomboyishness)' (3)'Ippiki Okami(lonely wolf)' |
(1) |
25 | 奨例会時代に、2局連続で反則負けをした棋士は誰か。 (1)淡路仁茂 (2)青野照市 (3)島 朗 |
Choose the professional player who lost two games in a row by playing an illegal move when he belonged to Shoreikai. (1)Hitoshige Awaji (2)Teruichi Aono (3)Akira Shima |
(2) |
26 | 初代竜王になった棋士は誰か。 (1)米長邦雄 (2)羽生善治 (3)島 朗 |
Choose the professional shogi player who became the first 'Ryuo'. (1)Kunio Yonenaga (2)Yoshiharu Habu (3)Akira Shima |
(3) |
27 | マイナビ女子オープンの初代女王は誰か。 (1)甲斐智美 (2)上田初美 (3)矢内理絵子 |
Choose the lady professional player who became the first 'Jo-oh(Queen)'. (1)Tomomi Kai (2)Hatsumi Ueda (3)Rieko Yauchi |
(3) |
28 | 十三世名人は誰か。 (1)木村義雄 (2)小野五平 (3)関根金次郎 |
Who is the 13th lifetime 'Meijin'? (1)Yoshio Kimura (2)Gohei Ono (3)Kinjiro Sekine |
(3) |
29 | 格言「遠見の○に好手あり」 ○に入る駒は何か。 (1)香 (2)角 (3)飛 |
Choose the correct piece for the blank. "With a watchtower (?? ) there is bound to be a brilliant move". (1)Lance (2)Bishop (3)Rook |
(2) |
30 | 小学生名人と中学生名人の両方を獲得した棋士は誰か。 (1)達 正光 (2)勝又清和 (3)鈴木大介 |
Choose the professional player who won both "Elementary School Shogi Meijin Championship Tournament" and "Junior High School Shogi Meijin Championship Tournament" (1)Masamitsu Tachi (2)Kiyokazu Katsumata (3)Daisuke Suzuki |
(1) |
31 | 第一期棋王戦で、将棋界初の海外での公式戦が行われた。どこか。 (1)上海 (2)ハワイ (3)パリ |
The opening game of the first Kio-sen took place overseas for the first time ever as a title match. Where was it? (1)Shanghai (2)Hawaii (3)Paris |
(2) |
32 | 免状の文章を考案した作家は誰か。 (1)菊池寛 (2)幸田露伴 (3)滝井孝作 |
Choose the person who prepared a draft for shogi rank diplomas. (1)Kan Kikuchi (2)Rohan Koda (3)Kosaku Takii |
(3) |
33 | 日本将棋連盟が渋谷区千駄ヶ谷に移転したのはいつか。 (1)昭和26年 (2)昭和36年 (3)昭和46年 |
When did the Shogi Hall move to Sendagaya? (1)in 1951 (2)in 1961 (3)in 1971 |
(2) |
34 | 「NHK将棋講座」の初代講師を務めたのは誰か。 (1)木村義雄 (2)大山康晴 (3)升田幸三 |
Who is the first lecturer of "NHK-TV Shogi Course"? (1)Yoshio Kimura (2)Yasuharu Oyama (3)Kozo Masuda |
(3) |
35 | 将棋の起源と言われている「チャトランガ」とはどういう意味か。 (1)4つの国 (2)4人の王 (3)4つの軍隊 |
What does "Chaturanga" ?that is said to be the origin of shogi mean? (1)4 countries (2)4 kings (3)4 divisions of an army |
(3) |
36 | 最年少記録の21歳で名人になった棋士は誰か。 (1)羽生善治 (2)谷川浩司 (3)中原 誠 |
Choose the professional player who became the youngest 'Meijin' ever at the age of 21. (1)Yoshiharu Habu (2)Koji Tanigawa (3)Makoto Nakahara |
(2) |
37 | 「と金」が活躍している状態を例えた動物は何か。 (1)マムシ (2)サソリ (3)トカゲ |
Choose a living creature that is compared to a situation that a promoted pawn is getting active. (1)pit viper (2)scorpion (3)lizard |
(1) |
38 | 江戸時代に将棋駒形を看板にした商売は何か。 (1)質屋 (2)両替屋 (3)呉服屋 |
Choose the type of business that used shogi piece's shape for their signboard in the Edo period. (1)pawnshop (2)moneychanger (3)mercer |
(1) |
39 | 5筋の位を何というか。 (1)天王山 (2)高野山 (3)富士山 |
What do we call the 5th-file vanguard pawn? (1)Mt. Tenno (2)Mt. Koya (3)Mt. Fuji |
(1) |
40 | 将棋と囲碁両方の棋士を経験していたのは誰か。 (1)北村文男 (2)北村秀治郎 (3)北村昌男 |
Choose the person who became both a professional shogi and igo player. (1)Fumio Kitamura (2)Hidejiro Kitamura (3)Masao Kitamura |
(1) |
41 | 一般棋戦の優勝回数が最も多い棋士は誰か。 (1)大山康晴 (2)中原 誠 (3)羽生善治 |
Choose the professional player who marks the most winning number of non-title tournaments. (1)Yasuharu Oyama (2)Makoto Nakahara (3)Yoshiharu Habu |
(1) |
42 | 通算勝数の史上第1位は誰か。 (1)谷川浩司 (2)中原 誠 (3)大山康晴 |
Choose the professional player who have the record of total wins. (1)Koji Tanigawa (2)Makoto Nakahara (3)Yasuharu Oyama |
(3) |
43 | A級在位通算記録保持者は誰か。 (1)羽生善治 (2)中原 誠 (3)大山康晴 |
Choose the professional player who has the record of the longest belonging to "Class-A of Juni-sen(Meijin Challenger Deciding League). (1)Yoshiharu Habu (2)Makoto Nakahara (3)Yasuharu Oyama | (3) |
44 | 現在の日本将棋連盟の会長は誰か。 (1)中原 誠 (2)谷川浩司 (3)佐藤康光 |
Who is the present chairman of the Japan Shogi Association? (1)Makoto Nakahara (2)Koji Tanigawa (3)Yasumitsu Sato |
(2) |
45 | 女流棋士は昭和49年に誕生した。最初は何人だったか。 (1)4人 (2)6人 (3)8人 |
How many lady professionals were there when they started in 1974? (1)4 (2)6 (3)8 |
(2) |
46 | 詰将棋で盤上に王が一枚あるだけのものは何と呼ばれているか。 (1)裸玉 (2)独玉 (3)単玉 |
What do we call a situation that only King is placed as a defender piece on the board in a tsume(mate)-problem? (1)bare King (2)lonely King (3)single King |
(1) |
47 | 小野五平十二世名人の師匠は誰か。 (1)天野宗歩 (2)大橋柳雪 (3)伊藤宗印 |
Who is the teacher? of Gohei Ono, the 12th lifetime 'Meijin'? (1)Soho Amano (2)Ryusetsu Ohashi (3)Soin Ito |
(1) |
48 | 公式戦において、最短手数記録である10手で勝利したことがある棋士は誰か。 (1)大山康晴 (2)中原誠 (3)羽生善治 |
Choose the professional player who won an official game in 10 moves, it is the record of a victory in the shortest moves. (1)Yasuharu Oyama (2)Makoto Nakahara (3)Yoshiharu Habu |
(2) |
49 | 史上最年長の60歳で順位戦A級復帰を果たした棋士は誰か。 (1)灘蓮照 (2)花村元司 (3)岡崎史明 |
Who is the eldest professional player who came back to "A Class Juni-sen(Meijin Challenger Deciding League) at the age of 60. (1)Rensho Nada (2)Motoji Hanamura (3)Shimei Okazaki |
(2) |
50 | 連続44年対局不休の記録を持つ棋士は誰か。 (1)大山康晴 (2)小堀清一 (3)佐瀬勇次 |
Choose the professional shogi player who have the record of playing official games 44 years in a row without default. (1)Yasuharu Oyama (2)Seiichi Kobori (3)Yuji Sase |
(3) |
51 | 戦後の公式戦対局による最長手数は何手か。 (1)395手 (2)405手 (3)415手 |
Choose the largest number of moves in postwar official games. (1)395 moves (2)405 moves (3)415 moves |
(2) |
52 | 史上最年少で「九段」になった棋士は誰か。 (1)大山康晴 (2)羽生善治 (3)渡辺明 |
Choose the professional player who became the youngest 9-dan player. (1)Yasuharu Oyama (2)Yoshiharu Habu (3)Akira Watanabe |
(3) |
53 | 将棋界で初めて文化功労者に顕彰されたのは誰か。 (1)関根金次郎 (2)木村義雄 (3)大山康晴 |
Who is the first "Cultural Merit" award-winner in the shogi world? (1)Kinjiro Sekine (2)Yoshio Kimura (3)Yasuharu Oyama |
(3) |
54 | タイトル戦で初めて「三連敗四連勝」でタイトル防衛を果たした棋士は誰か。 (1)大山康晴 (2)羽生善治 (3)渡辺明 |
Choose the professional shogi player who defended a title with 4 consecutive victories after 3 straight defeats for the first time. (1)Yasuharu Oyama (2)Yoshiharu Habu (3)Akira Watanabe |
(3) |
55 | 新人王戦で初めて決勝三番勝負に進出したアマチュアは誰か。 (1)清水上徹 (2)加來博洋 (3)今泉健司 |
Choose the amateur player who became the finalist to play best-of-three match of Rookies Tournament for the first time ever. (1)Toru Shimizugami (2)Hakuyo Kaku (3)Kenji Imaizumi |
(2) |
56 | 女流棋戦の「倉敷藤花戦」の正式名称はどれか。 (1)大山名人杯倉敷藤花戦 (2)大山十五世名人杯倉敷藤花戦 (3)大山康晴杯倉敷藤花戦 |
Choose the official name of Kurashiki Toka Tournament. (1)Oyama Meijin Cup Kurashiki Toka Tournament (2)Oyama 15th lifetime Meijin Cup Kurashiki Toka Tournament (3)Oyama Yasuharu Cup Kurashiki Toka Tournament |
(1) |
57 | 竜王戦で4組以下の棋士が挑戦して奪取できなかった場合、次期の出場クラスは何組か。 (1)1組 (2)2組 (3)3組 |
In Ryuo tournament, If a player who is in Class 4 or lower becomes a challenger and fails to take the title, which class will he belong to for the next term? (1)Class 1 (2)Class 2 (3)Class 3 |
(1) |
58 | 初代大橋宗桂が一世名人となってから今まで永世名人は何人いるか。 (1)17人 (2)19人 (3)21人 |
How many 'Eisei Meijin(Lifetime Meijin)' have been there since Soukei Ohashi became the first? (1)17 (2)19 (3)21 |
(2) |
59 | 次のうち正しい九段昇段規定はどれか。 (1)八段昇段後250勝達成 (2)竜王1期獲得 (3)順位戦A級昇級 |
Which is the correct requirement for promotion to 9-dan? (1)250 wins after promotion to 8-dan (2)Winning 'Ryuo' one time (3)Promotion to "A Class Juni-sen(Meijin Challenger Deciding League). |
(1) |
60 | 「百面指し」を最初に達成した棋士は誰か。 (1)板谷進 (2)羽生善治 (3)大山康晴 |
Who is the first professional player who achieved playing 100 simultaneous games? (1)Susumu Itaya (2)Yoshiharu Habu (3)Yasuharu Oyama |
(1) |